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Judicial Affairs

Students who are alleged to have violated University Policies or Procedures may be charged under the University Disciplinary Procedures. A Complaint can be made by anyone. Upon notification that a violation has occurred, the appropriate University official will investigate the circumstances of the case and attempt to identify the students(s) who allegedly committed the Offense.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

By reason of its responsibility to promote its educational purpose, the University of Miami has the inherent right to preserve order and maintain stability through the setting of standards of conduct and the prescribing of procedures for the enforcement of such standards. The foundation underlying the prescription of student standards at the University of Miami is the tenet that the exercise of individual rights must be accompanied by an equal amount of responsibility. This assures that the same rights are not denied to others. By accepting membership in the University community, a student acquires rights in, as well as responsibilities to, the whole University community.

NOTE: The University of Miami Student Rights & Responsibilities Handbook is an online publication. The currently posted version of the SR&R is the version of record and supersedes any other publication of the SR&R.