Report a Violation

Together We Protect the Value of Our Degrees

Option 1: Report to the Professor

The best way to handle a violation of the Honor Code is to make sure the professor is aware of the situation. A professor will then take it in their prerogative on how to respond.

Option 2: Report to the Dean of Students Office

You will be directed to the Honor Council Graduate Assistant or Dean Wilson, Assistant Dean of Students. Please note, we do not allow anonymous reporting. We believe that the accused student has the right to face their accuser.

Option 3: Faculty Report to Your School or College Academic Integrity Committee

Faculty should report potential violations of the Honor Code to the Academic Integrity Committee in your school or college. Substantial responsibility is vested in the several schools and colleges to manage first-time offenses and to coordinate their faculty's efforts.

Submit a Violation Report

Adjudication Process

The University of Miami community recognizes integrity as a core institutional value. The responsibility to uphold the University Honor Code and high academic standards is a shared value between faculty, students, and administrators. It is each community member’s responsibility to ensure that academic integrity is upheld. Faculty, in particular, have a vital role to play in this regard and should be diligent in reporting violations.

In Fall 2020, the Academic Integrity Policy was updated to acknowledge that the norms and the responsibility of academic integrity are to be jointly upheld by the faculty and student members of the University community. Substantial responsibility is vested in the several schools and colleges to manage first-time offenses and to coordinate their faculty’s efforts.
