Sandler Center Staff

2023-2024 Sandler Center Staff

The Sandler Center mission is implemented through the hard work and dedication of a team of Undergraduate and Graduate students. 

Photo of Farid Mawanda

Farid Mawanda
Graduate Assistant

Photo of Jada Thomas

Jada Thomas 
Graduate Assistant
Photo of Abi Schcolnik
Abigail Schcolnik
Peer Educator
Photo of Aditto Showkat
Aditto Showkat
Peer Educator
Photo of Alea Voyer
Alea Voyer
Peer Educator
Photo of Alexa Barroso
Alexa Barroso
Peer Educator
Photo of Daphne Mall
Daphne Mall
Peer Educator
Photo of Izzy Hembrough
Izzy Hembrough
Peer Educator
Photo of Nathan Sherman
Nathan Sherman
Peer Educator
Photo of Ryan Berman
Ryan Berman
Peer Educator
