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Natl. Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week

Every October, college and university students will join with their peers on more than 1,000 campuses across the country to promote National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Month (NCAAM). During NCAAM, students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of events, all designed by the campus’ peer education group to reinforce personal responsibility and respect for current state laws and school policies when it comes to the consumption of alcohol beverages.

Join the Sandler Center for Fall 2018 Festivities!

NCAAM Banner





10.01 No Pain, All Gain: The truth about drugs and alcohol UC Rock 11am
10.03 The Game Plan: Playbook for Safe Game Days Merrick 1pm
10.09 Stay on the (Bay)watch- Knowing the Signs to get help UC Rock 1:30pm
10.11 Stanford Residential College Pop-Up Stanford RC 11pm
10.12 Canes After Dark (Halloween) Wellness Center 8pm
10.17 Don’t be so Fast & Furious: Dangers of Binge Drinking UC Rock 12:30pm
10.25 Sandler Center RAW- Don't Get Slammed, Drink Responsibly Hecht/Stanford Bridge 5pm
10.31 How to say no to Mo-Ana(nother) shot: Saying no to peer pressure UC Rock 1:30pm